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The School of International Education held the activity of "1029 loves" in Liaoning.


On the morning of June 15th, the School of International Education held a "father's Day" with the theme of "the 1029 Loves". The activities included the counselors and volunteer teams of the School of international education, the "1029 Loves" column group reporters, brilliant community staff and community residents.

Everyone's participation in the old man's face showed a long smile. The arrival of the students made the old man feel the warmth of his family on father's day. After that, the volunteers cheated the old dumplings on their parents' hands, and the old fathers ate hot dumplings and their faces spilt with happiness.

In the end, the volunteer team of the School of international education and Yan powder street work together to build a love bridge between the students and the elderly in the community. Through more activities, the elderly can feel happy and happy, and add a beautiful color to the creation of a harmonious society and a harmonious community.


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     版权所有  沈阳工业大学留学生学院  
